as a conscious being
connected to all things
to plant, animal, mountain, stream,
microbes, bacteria, particles,
animate and inanimate matter,
if my genes speak to the environment
telling it what I see
and in so doing I change my environment
as it is changing me,
if time is an illusion
for the purposes of learning lessons
that build one upon another
then where am I now in my learning
with all my soul family,
all my relations on Earth and in the Cosmos,
what can we see collectively
if we are part of a larger consciousness
undergoing an evolutionary shift
from out of the chaos of systems breaking down
climate changes, weather extremes, personal and global health challenges,
democracy crying out, old justifications for war being challenged
by generations younger and those who have become
disenchanted with the stories of power
in the hands of
the unseen hand
of a market ‘place’,
if place and time are cultural creations
and in every field of thought
from politics and science
to technology and economics,
bleeding through the old theories
can we see glimpses of a new worldview
a new blueprint for Creation,
gently and not so gently
breaking through?
If none can stop an evolutionary wave
moving through the cosmos,
if this inner quaking
rises from my very dna,
does this commitment to participate
consciously in my own evolution,
to embrace a
whole new Field of perception
make me a pioneer,
crossing the frontier of a worldview
that expands beyond Earth
while including her?
Having embarked on this evolutionary journey
with my eyes and my heart set
on my highest frequencies of being
I am realizing that there is no turning back
no going back to unconsciousness,
to holding hands with the illusion
that I am not able to change my reality
from the inside out.
I admit however much outside the mainstream
I thought I was before,
I’ve taken a quantum leap
the ground I stood on just months ago is disappearing
while the new species of human
I am consciously evolving into
is still emerging.
I can only describe my emerging Self
for the very vocabulary
this ‘what’ I am transforming into,
continues to emerge itself.
I know I am not alone
in committing to this path,
called forth by
planetary futurists, shamans and elders
dubbing our new species with names like
homo luminoso
homo universalis
homo noeticus
homo progressivus
Ironically I will admit today
this path can still be a lonely one
while embracing that I am more
than a solo conscious being,
operating in form,
that I belong to a Larger Family,
a larger framework,
a larger story.
New relatedness,
mixing with the pre-existing,
the billions of years old Story,
this path of a pioneer
would appear like an amazing gift,
to make my way in all things new,
such freedom to co-create.
Yet the homework
of becoming new
every day
to one’s sense of Self
can be a lonely path too,
this path of healing,
transcending self,
joining limited and unlimited,
masculine and feminine,
body and spirit,
transforming Both.