When everything that has been dysfunctional
or doesn’t work
becomes even more so,
in our workplaces, our social structures
our relationship patterns,
this is the moment of evolution
we’re wired to morph in.
Sometimes called “jump time”
this is quantum space
where everything in Creation
takes a leap to the next level.
Marked by personal and planetary
crises and breakthrough,
our whole planet
is in the evolutionary change window
I am in the window
you are in the window
every breath we take
is Creation
breathing itself to the next stage
of our evolution
we are not the same
we are becoming something
unfamiliar and deeply known
all at once
Even in the midst
of communication breakdowns,
confusion and
planetary tension points
the whole purpose of our existence
is re-membering Itself.
The Oneness we are dreamed
out of
is singing
to our hearts
we have always been connected,
Nothing can separate us from
the Love we Are for each other
coaxing “Let me slip the yoke from your shoulders
and show you the Way that remembers
how your breakthrough is mine,
how this time of crises is an invitation
to open the door together
to our transformation.