If I am open to this, the flow of evolutionary inspiration moves through me
and I become a conduit for its expression in the world.
As each new take on daily life arises from this larger Awareness of my own experience,
a fitness class at the community centre, a trip across the city on public transit or a converging of lifeforces on a street corner...
each can open this evolutionary flow,
as I experience a future coherence
engaging with my present moment experience,
expanding the range of possibilities…
It can open anywhere anytime this evolutionary channel,
prompted by my heartfelt responses to life,
for within these feelings is a secret key to activating my higher frequencies
of thinking and feeling.
I admit the lower density of the heavy emotions can feel uncomfortable to welcome,
yet this evolutionary practice
hones my appreciation of the value of going in deeper
to experience
the wisdom of the Universe unfolding through me.