The other day as I was blogging
a word came to me
to describe
my 3 spider teachers as
It felt right
and yet I discovered a potential
to draw controversy
and made the choice to substitute
another word in.
It isn’t the first time since I began
this process of blogging
that I catch myself
holding back
something of my creative expression,
censoring self,
sacrificing my intuitive,
out of a concern that the deeper
or wisdom
might get lost.
I appreciate in these shifting times on Earth
that self-discernment is
a precious practice,
so much is being revealed
to each of us and all of us
that our conscious being is trying
to absorb
anchor in
shift toward
this expanding sense of Self.
It is natural to contract in this rhythm
my Universal self reminds me,
even feeling this contraction
in the Light of alternating waves
of expansion,
in all that this evolution
in consciousness
Sometimes the creative energy
and awarenesses come so fast and full
I experience
a ‘bottlenecking’
pressure that builds like steam
in a volcanic vent,
and I’m unable to translate into words
this depth of understanding
I am so present to what is unfolding.
“Receiving” is the best word
I can offer up
for this experience of
the grace and the power
of this Co-creative flow
in forming
in forming
in forming
For me to evolve
I need
a balance,
one that opens fully to the Grace in forming me
and invites
self-honest expression,
the possibility
of writing into the
deeply personal,
my multidimensional
multi-incarnational being,
this universality
that honours
soul essence in absolutely everything.