Can it be that I am playing
the adept’s version of this game
no longer following the external threads
as a genealogist or historian,
Can it be that I am releasing
the archives of my life,
diving head first,
into the Universe within me,
discovering the wisdoms of the ages
that flow from within.
I am visiting it seems
the worlds of my inner space,
my inner cosmos,
flying along the riverbed
back to the source.
Look what I can discover
as I become aware
of my soul’s journey
I am in awe.
My soul is the spiritual adept
that I most long to follow.
What teacher can inspire more awe
than the One that that has
travelled space and time
taking on new forms
accumulating new experiences
to choreograph
this dance that I AM living
this dance of Awareness
that brings me to your doorstep,
awaiting the intimacy
of our collective awakening,
an intimacy that rises
from the longings
of our hearts
to know more, be more, share more,