is collapsing all around me,
this worldview that bound
the wealthy and the pickpocket
within the same belief
that there is not enough…
I am seeing how the political
and social structures,
scarcity beliefs,
even the stories I have told
no longer resonate
with my dreams and deepest longings.
When I no longer believe I am a burden
or an undeserving one,
when I no longer believe I am entitled
or a deserving one,
I am liberated to see the Universe is my true benefactor.
I see my ability to express
within this Universe
through all my choices, actions and inspirations
in every moment.
I can call the Universe to support me
while I practice
or learn something new,
receiving this support in the form that it comes,
ever delighting
in the ingenuity of Creation itself.
I can reach from within my unlimited resources
and love reserves
bringing forth the generosity of my soul,
meeting you
in unexpected and even magical ways.

The Abundance that I am
is an eternal wellspring
ever replenishing and renewing,
revealing its universal source
little by little,
to my limiting self concepts and beliefs.
Gently, the reflection in the mirror
of my Abundant nature
transforms how I see
the All that I am.
until I am not separate
from the Life force in-forming all being
and all doing.