Mindfully walking to the bus stop,
I am taking in the welcome sounds
and sightings of
water fountains
birdbaths large and small
noticing newly planted beds,
animated wildflowers
boulevard wrap arounds,
the hues of these flower blossoms
professing the care
with which they are being tended,
soul-uplifting signs of attention to Nature
quietly evolving in the neighbourhood.
While I understand the enthusiasm
for many days of sunshine this summer,
my awareness of the rising heat levels
have my eyes and heart focussed
on water.
My eyes trace cloud formations this morning,
moving into the centre
of a mysterious configuration of cloud
stirring above my head,
feeling gratitude for this presence.
Seeing clear skies to the south and west over the ocean,
I find in my heart a living prayer for rain.
Seagulls dance with pockets of air current,
as if teasing this possibility forward
that we could call
in the rain together.
Less than an hour passes when
swimming toward the deep end of the pool
where I do my favorite water ritual,
the unmistakable sweet smell of rain
drifts in and my heart soars.
Walking past the cluster of Long and Short Quill pines,
the maple and sister trees, the yellow grasses of the park
every leaf, needle and blade seem to sparkle
holding hands with the raindrops
joining a chorus of sky appreciation that rumbles its affirmation.

Human nature,
by far the most curious feature
of the kinship of Life,
least likely to see
our own character
in the earth around us,
in all our relations.
Breathtaking to behold,
our species can be
in moments of
Today I celebrate another delightful adventure
weaving its way
from a transformer
surprised by a jolt of mysterious lightening
that brings out all the white jackets
from the meat and deli departments of the local grocer.
Like a hive just emptied,
the air is electric
with spontaneous buzz and laughter,
those on till are out front chatting with would be customers
in conversations
of the unexpected.
Powered down to one operating till,
the store manager opts to conserve the remaining power,
human and electric,
this Tao of waiting for the mud to settle,
sustainability in motion.
My path north brings a favorite new bus driver,
whose philosophy of work is a tribute to sanity and love.
A master of the Tao, his “self-care first and the rest will flow…”
is evolution in motion.
My return journey
brings the joy of a spontaneous conversation
initiated by a woman willing
to claim her love of joining 5 year olds
on waterslides
and 4 stops worth of sharing
the magic of strangers becoming familiar
in the company of all our listening relations.

Dusk is falling over the water,
a pair of resident bats
swoop upriver
as if racing
for the indentation
on the other side of the South Fraser workyard.
As they come dipping in
to circle round,
we catch each other by surprise.
From my perch on the big rock I am marvelling
at how they can adjust their flight path
in a matter of seconds.
I look with admiration at this embodied capacity
and muse
on what it would be like
to be communicating consciously
with every species,
extending our sensory range
and truly sharing our existence
with all the diversity
of talents
the whole Earth species embody.
What climate could we co-create
joining our divine nature intelligence
in partnership with the rest of Nature?