Self-Love love,
learning to love what is
as much as what can be
Finding the beauty
in this moment
in this blessed fullness
this pregnant emptiness
that proclaims “behold me now…
Am I not the most beautiful mystery
you have ever fathomed
the most beautiful bride you have dreamed of
union with
I who am not yet visible
yet dwell within you
I who am peeking through the careful constructs
the collapsing molds of your human doings,
ever inviting your curiosity.”
What is the nature of evolution
that here in the stillness
grandmother moon’s bright face
radiating the sun
like a secret
she wears
as she travels the night sky
illuminating the body precious
of her daughter Gaia
what mysteries of the sacred are travelling
back and forth between them
that I am so filled
with awareness
of this Beauty
that embodies
all that is unfinished
in the whole Universe
Like a prayer
that rises from out of the
collective heart
of humanity
hallowing our daily life.
Our ancestors and the next 7 generations
gather at the horizon,
gardeners and dream seeds,
keepers of the sacred promises,
blessing this moon path
our sense of vision
our walk in the beauty way.