Like a masterful kite runner
my soul Essence
dances with me in this life,
can it be that we are achieving
this long awaited mastery
this precious awareness
that dissolves the separation
of our unique roles?
Knowing just how much line
to let out to allow my light body
to soar to the heights
tasting freedom,
this masterful kite runner seems to know
just when to rein in the cord that connects
its guiding hands to my freedom to fly
to my precious embodiment
so the fabric of my being is not torn,
assisting me to find gentle landings.
How beautiful our dance is,
soul essence and incarnate personality
uplifted by the cosmic spiral of evolution,
like the wind beneath us now,
lifting my whole being to new heights.
I feel the cord that binds
our journeys to one another
is releasing as
kite and kiterunner
become one.