a universal human becoming
that which I am.
I am a universal human transitioning,
transitioning between
a localized self
and a more integrated expression
of my multidimensional being.
It is awkward at times this transition.
I am aware that not all of me feels ready
to be a full-time universal being.
I like that I can move back n’ forth
as I transition
that state of known and this state of unknown,
until the newness of SELF
becomes familiar, familial.
My universal self developing
needs the support and accompaniment
of fellow universal humans.
Sometimes, I feel this accompaniment of soul,
even when I am not engaging this connection
with words,
or consciously intending to touch
the fields of others.
It is like a peculiar soul recognition
that I am surrounded by soul friends,
regardless of their state of consciousness.
In other moments,
I long for the close companionship
the witness of fellow
conscious evolutionary pioneers,
describing our experiences
of this evolving state of Being.
I draw courage and strength from our sharing,
I become
more substantial to myself.
This love that I am, that you are
is transubstantiating
right before our eyes,
right within our hearts.
I feel this childlike awe and wonder
weaving inbetween
the chaotic, the unexpected, the mysterious
calling me deeper still.
This trans-personal, trans-luminous, trans-figuring,
trans-formation-al, trans-planting, trans-parent,
I am becoming my full spectrum self
a rainbow warrior and healer,
and Love is my medicine,
my discipline, my posture,
my poetry, my commitment
my pulse,
my wave motion
my heartbeat
my purpose.
Love is my co-creative desire.