with my beautiful divine nature
invites me to let go
of everything I’m holding onto.
Let go of the desire to plan,
to strategize, to evaluate, to problem-solve.
Let go of your fear, dear one
and come play with the Mystery
of who we are,
soul and personality
fusing, yet not the solid kind of fusion,
this merging
and drinking each other in,
cherishing one another
and releasing the way
we hold each other.
Like a holy triad of child, parent and partner,
in any given moment I am
the trusting child looking to my soul parent
for guidance,
the discerning adolescent who knows
I have the power of free will and choices…
the emerging lover
who gazes upon my soul
with the adoration of a long-awaited partnering,
the encouraging parent whose abundant patience
nourishes the whole.
I am feeling the ripples
of my soul’s higher octaves
coming through my physical being,
my five senses
as if saying “let’s dance…
you lead now and I’ll follow”
I can land in a beautiful field
of our co-creating
and feel my soul’s palpable sigh.
How my divine nature loves
how it loves my physical body
my personal character,
even my egomind.
My soulself is forever whispering
to that mind
“I love your devotion
to following
the leads I give you
as I pop in
to your intuitive senses,
this direction,
now that one,
I see how eager you are
to please.
You are learning to surrender
the need to be in charge
learning to trust
your desires are not lost,
in this spiral dance
of merging selves,
illuminating karma,
and becoming universal.
We are transmuting desire into the rhythms of Co-creation."