I came into this life to evolve with all of the Cosmos.
I treasure this expression of evolution that I am.
Even as I breathe into the unknown and unfamiliar dimensions
of this larger becoming
I am held within the arms of Creation.
I am whole.
I am wholy new to this moment.
I can take the wisdom from out of the vortex I spin inside,
even with my confusions and self-judgements,
there is a place where my individual expression
dances with all relatedness.
I do not need to fear the loss of any relational form,
as out of this collapsing, this birthing,
arises new forms of expanding awareness.
Ever my soul family is with me, taking on new roles,
leaving one dimension to return in another.
Our deep love for one another is never lost nor forgotten.
Our lessons imprint.
Out of our deepest sadness, comes the promise
of another opportunity to dance together.
If I can look up and treasure the constancy
of the sky above me, even as it never configures in
exactly the same way, always new… yet ever present,
I can remember.
Within the changes around me and within me
is something magnificent…
all of Life is finding a new rhythm of belonging.
Grant me the grace, this precious inner grace
to see the whole Universe within me.
I belong to Life, Life belongs to me.
I do not need to try to possess this moment.
I can enter the lifestream and allow it to flow
through my being
carrying me to destinations beyond my horizon
in any given moment.
I can be the courageous traveller exploring space
now my inner cosmos
revealing itself to me…
I can taste the excitement, feel the fear of letting go
into this unknown field of all possibilities.
This is my evolution
I am not ever alone. My divine Essence is ever assisting me
to embrace the expansion,
revealing the layers of this exquisite design
of our life in concert.
We move together, personality and soul.
Divine nature and human nature.
Watch us becoming one and touching oneness
in everything and every One all around us
in this quantum field.
I am your beautiful Imagination
whispering “don’t you love surprises?”
Don’t you love awakening to more?
Trust me, dear one, it is so worth it, this union.
I can show you the secrets of the Universe,
just breathe me into your Awareness more deeply.
There, there at the edge of your sense of fragmenting,
see how your atoms reconfigure
You ARE becoming new to yourself!
You can treasure your newness in each new moment.
You are Love incarnating.
It is right to tremble before this Lovemaking Universe,
let you whole being quiver with awe
with how this feels
how this looks
how this smells
how this vibrates
this Love exploding within your cells
like fireworks
they cannot help but go off
you are alive, you are transitioning
into your multidimensional being.
Doing is not the same
Doing is not the same
Doing is not the same.