evolutionary circle
three sisters of the
web of relations,
the three magi of
my balcony this summer,
taking up the place of
dharma teachers,
these spider women
ancient symbol
is being spun daily between
one or another
rose, basil, wildflower
or renegade tomato plant,
chair arms or balcony railing.
I move around them
in awe
as these weavers of silk
offer me
their teachings daily.
Witnessing their synchronized
I follow their lead.
How long can I sit at the centre of my Being
breathing in and out,
slowing everything down,
allowing ascending and descending
flow of energy,
to move through my
whole body being,
allowing for no linear thought,
no thought of accomplishing anything
just to be here
within the stillness?
How devoted my sisters are to
staying in the centre of
this hub,
even when something
disengages a central thread
or half the web is blown back upon itself.
This teacher holds steady
to her practice of being
in the centre of her web.
I witness the regathering of the web
as the teacher dismantles
her very design,
with no attachment to its perfection,
as she sits with nothing
other than her primary
as if she were always in the centre
of her orb,
her sphere,
even when it is not visibly present.
By the light of the moon
the sisters weave
this circular pattern
in this nearly 300 million year old
matrilineal tradition
tending to its form,
occupying its centre.
This wisdom spinning
of the sacred feminine
illuminating rhythms
of all of Creation,
as old as time itself,
ever recreating.
On the morning of the full moon
I arise to find the three magi
in unison have each
respun their webs
in fine, exquisite lines of symmetry.
As they sit in the centre of their temples,
I enter my meditation space
the miraculous appearance and alignment
of my own moon cycle
with grandmother moon.
Can it be the whole purpose of this meditation
is to synchronize?
A light breeze moves in,
the webs stretch,
I feel as if we can hold Egypt
and all the places of tension in this planetary web,
absorbing with each breath
of our bodies,
my air breathing sisters and I,
in this intimate meditation
of holding the centre,
with webs of relating
we rebuild daily
with flexible new strands of love.